Join the new Table Tennis After School Club!

Sunnymead Multicultural Festival Table Volunteer
The HSA is looking for people to volunteer for the 2nd Annual Sunnymead Multicultural Festival.
Last year was a wonderful celebration of the diversity that is our Sunnymead community and we are hoping to make this year even more amazing!
The event will be held Thursday, May 22nd from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
We are looking for volunteers to contribute their time as well as represent their individual cultures. Some examples can be a dance, clothing, food, a display board of information, crafts, small games, and more!
This is a family event, and the more participation we have, the better it will be for not only your student, but the entire Sunnymead community!
Questions can be directed to cindy.brandecker@gmail.com.

Grab your Somerset Patriots Tickets for Sunnymead Day!! Watch our Amazing 4th Graders Perform before the game!

Children's Hospital Comfort Bags Donations

Read Across America Spirit Week

March PI Day Spirit Week

Kids Heart Challenge

March HSA Event Calendar

Order online all day at:
Use Code Fund4U
In store from 4-8pm
Don't Forget to Show Paper Flyer or digital one in store

March HummingBird HSA Event

Please Register for this FREE Parent Engagement Night
Register Here: (You must compete this form if you are planning on Attending)
Presentations designed to empower you and support your child’s well-being
Cyber & Internet Safety
• Protecting Our Kids Online in the virtual and Real World
• Equip your child with essential internet safety skills
Helping Children with Attention, Focus & Anxiety
• Discover strategies to improve attention and focus
• Learn techniques to ease anxiety in young minds
While the adults are attending the parent session Sunnymead students will attend a health and wellness workshop learning the connection between mind and body , how to use movement to reduce stress and much more!

A thank you from the Food Bank to the Sunnymead Community

Time Sensitive... Read Across America Week is Coming- Don't Miss Out on all the fun!
Contest to Win A Pizza Parrty with guest Author Daryl Cobb: Due by Thursday, February 27th
You can still order your Personalized Sunnymead
Book by Daryl Cobb

Dear Parents/Guardians:
It’s BOOK FAIR time again in the school library at Sunnymead from Wednesday, March 12th - Wednesday, March 19th. Your child will be visiting the Book Fair with his or her class during their regularly scheduled library time. Students will have the opportunity to purchase books at that time.
Profits from the Scholastic Book Fair will be used to enhance the library program for all of our Sunnymead students
Mrs. Castellano, our librarian, needs parent volunteers to help make the book fair a success.
*Please sign up to help through SignUpGenius online at:
Mrs. Castellano
Media Specialist
Sunnymead Elementary School

Support the HSA on Friday at Just Subs!

Join the HSA for their Monthly meeting.

Ms. Petrozz's class has been working hard on their reading this winter! While the whole school participated and did amazing during the Malcom Mitchell Reading is Magic Foundation's READbowl Ms. Petrozzo's class made the TOP 100 schools in the USA for Elementary!! They were #94! We are so proud of this accomplishment!!

Sunnymead's Winter Wonderland Writing Experience
Over the past 2 weeks our students have been experiencing an immersive and magical writing experience "Winter Wonderland". Thank you to Mr. D, Ms. Sarik, Ms. Stack, an d Ms. Purdy for this amazing experience for our students!