Veteran's Day Spirit Day Reminder Wear Red, White & Blue November 11th
4 months ago, Nimisha Jain
Sunnymead HSA Friendsgiving News
4 months ago, Nimisha Jain
Sunnymead HSA Miss Chocolate Fundraiser!
4 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
HSA November Dates!
4 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Sunnymead Halloween Parade Information!
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Sunnymead Trunk or Treat !
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Red Ribbon Week Monday, October 21st to Friday, October 25th !
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Sunnymead Annual Veterans Day Celebration!
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Silly String a Staff Member Fundraiser
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Hummingbird Studio Glow and Pizza Party presented by HSA
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
October Spirit Days
5 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Dear Sunnymead Parents/Guardians, Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year at Sunnymead School. In order to ensure a safe and secure dismissal of all our students, we are asking you to fill out our Student Dismissal Plan Form for EACH student's daily dismissal procedures. Please note, if any non permanent changes are needed to a student's normal dismissal procedure a parent/guardian must fill out the Change in Dismissal Form found on Sunnymead's webpage ( before 2:45pm. Our student's safety is our number one priority. We appreciate your timely assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mayo (x2399) or Mrs. Jain (x3203) in the main office. Anastashia Diazmayo
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Sunnymead Chess Club brought to by the HSA !
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Sunnymead HSA Foam Run!
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
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Sunnymead Families Title I Meeting Flyer
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
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It's Back! Our Semi Annual Sunnymead Rita's Celebrity Scoopers Fundraiser! He hope you and your family's can Join Us!
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Pretzel Day Flyer
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Fall is in the air!!! Are you ready to order your mums? This year you can also donate a mum to help us decorate Sunnymead too!! Mum order form
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo
Dear Sunnymead Parents/Guardians, Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year at Sunnymead School. In order to ensure a safe and secure dismissal of all our students, we are asking you to fill out our Student Dismissal Plan Form for EACH student's daily dismissal procedures. Please note, if any non permanent changes are needed to a student's normal dismissal procedure a parent/guardian must fill out the Change in Dismissal Form found on Sunnymead's webpage ( before 2:45pm. Our student's safety is our number one priority. We appreciate your timely assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mayo (x2399) or Mrs. Jain (x3203) in the main office.
6 months ago, Anastashia Diaz-Mayo